Computer Systems: Digital Design, Fundamentals ...
This textbook covers digital design, fundamentals of computer architecture, and assembly language. The book starts by introducing basic number systems, character coding, basic knowledge in digital design, and components of a computer. The book goes on to discuss information representation in computing; Boolean algebra and logic gates; sequential logic; input/output; and CPU performance. The author also covers ARM architecture, ARM instructions and ARM assembly language which is used in a variety of devices such as cell phones, digital TV, automobiles, routers, and switches. The book contains a set of laboratory experiments related to digital design using Logisim software; in addition, each chapter features objectives, summaries, key terms, review questions and problems. The book is targeted to students majoring Computer Science, Information System and IT and follows the ACM/IEEE 2013 guidelines.
Computer Systems: Digital Design, Fundamentals ...
This updated textbook covers digital design, fundamentals of computer architecture, and ARM assembly language. The book starts by introducing computer abstraction, basic number systems, character coding, basic knowledge in digital design, and components of a computer. The book goes on to discuss information representation in computing, Boolean algebra and logic gates, and sequential logic. The book also presents introduction to computer architecture, Cache mapping methods, and virtual memory.
We begin with an introduction to binary number systems. We then cover boolean logic, which forms the basis of the digital logic on which all computer systems are built. We will learn how to construct arithmetic operations, such as addition, using only boolean algebra. We then procede to introduce combinational and sequential logic, and finish the first half of the course by looking at finite state machines and their use in constructing hardware components.
B EE 271 Digital Circuits and Systems (5)Overview of digital computer systems. Digital logic, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits and logic design, programmable logic devices, and the design and operation of digital computers, including ALU, memory, and I/O. Weekly laboratories. Prerequisite: either CSS 132, CSS 142, CSE 142, or CSS 161View course details in MyPlan: B EE 271
B EE 427 Introduction to Digital System Design Using Hardware Description Languages (5)Modeling techniques with the Verilog hardware description language; methodologies for finite-state machine (FSM) design, register-transfer level (RTL) design, and datapath and control unit design; computer arithmetic algorithms; and fast arithmetic hardware architectures. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 271.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 427
Intended for computer science majors who want to study computer organization without a background in electrical engineering. Topics such as analog to digital conversion, CRC's, and memory organization are covered using practical terms and examples.
Fundamentals of computer organization and digital logic. Boolean algebra, number systems and codes, combinational logic design principles, basic gates and components, flipflops and latches, counters and state machines. Assembly language and assemblers; procedures and data segments, linkages and subroutine calling conventions, loaders; practical use of an assembly language.Prereq.: CSc 10300 or department permission.2 lect., 2 lab. hr./wk.; 3 cr.Note: Computer Engineering Students who have completed CSc 210 and EE 210 are considered to have met the requires of equivalency to CSc 211.
Whether your focus is in hardware or software, web or app design, or new media, your influence will have a global effect on ever-evolving computer technology. Students in the computer systems technology degree option will begin by learning the fundamentals of web development, programming, networking, database systems and design. Through special studio classes, students then will join each of these areas together when working on industry projects and building a professional portfolio.
The digital world is in constant motion, so your education must include a focus on present trends and emerging technologies. Building on the foundation of computer fundamentals students first learn, you will explore current web standards and platforms like mobile devices. You also will be encouraged to take technology a step further by experimenting with upcoming innovations.
Students will connect the dots between what they are learning through required studio classes. This time is used to combine concepts, fundamentals and skills obtained during each semester of the computer systems technology program so that students can experience how their education fits together and is applied to real-world projects.
6.5340 Topics in Algorithmic Game Theory(6.853) ()Prereq: 6.1210 or 6.1220Units: 3-0-9Presents research topics at the interface of computer science and game theory, with an emphasis on algorithms and computational complexity. Explores the types of game-theoretic tools that are applicable to computer systems, the loss in system performance due to the conflicts of interest of users and administrators, and the design of systems whose performance is robust with respect to conflicts of interest inside the system. Algorithmic focus is on algorithms for equilibria, the complexity of equilibria and fixed points, algorithmic tools in mechanism design, learning in games, and the price of anarchy.Staff
6.1800 Computer Systems Engineering(6.033) ()Prereq: 6.1910Units: 5-1-6Lecture: MW2 (26-100) Lab: F1 (36-144) or F2 (36-144) or F1 (26-142) or F2 (26-142) or F1 (26-210) or F2 (26-210) or F1 (26-314) or F2 (26-314) or F1 (4-153) or F2 (4-153) or F1 (4-261) or F2 (4-261) or F1 (4-145) or F2 (4-145) or F1 (24-307) or F2 (24-307) Recitation: TR10 (34-301) or TR1 (34-302, 38-166) or TR2 (24-307, 34-302, 38-166) or TR11 (34-303) or TR12 (34-303) or TR10 (36-153, 36-156) or TR11 (34-301, 36-153, 36-156) or TR12 (36-155) or TR1 (36-155, 24-307) +finalTopics on the engineering of computer software and hardware systems: techniques for controlling complexity; strong modularity using client-server design, operating systems; performance, networks; naming; security and privacy; fault-tolerant systems, atomicity and coordination of concurrent activities, and recovery; impact of computer systems on society. Case studies of working systems and readings from the current literature provide comparisons and contrasts. Includes a single, semester-long design project. Students engage in extensive written communication exercises. Enrollment may be limited.K. LaCurtsTextbooks (Spring 2023)
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science focuses on the fundamentals of program design, software development, computer organization, systems and networks, theories of computation, principles of languages, and advanced algorithms and data.
The Industrial Computer Fundamentals Certificate Program emphasizes the basic skills needed to begin a career in the computer engineering technology field. Designed for high school graduates or those entering industry for the first time, the program covers several essential areas. These areas include: introduction to engineering technology; computer systems applications such as word processing and spreadsheets; hardware/software essentials; introduction to electric circuits; digital circuits; and introduction to programming.
Graduates of this program may find employment as entry-level technicians with companies that design, manufacture, test, utilize, or maintain computer systems or computer peripherals. Graduates may work in areas such as software trouble-shooting, computer network equipment testing and maintenance, and computer hardware installation and maintenance. Four of the courses in the certificate program (CENT 1310 , CENT 1320 , EETC 1331 , and CITC 1320 ) transfer to the Computer Engineering Technology associate degree program.
ECE 250D. Computer Architecture. Computer structure, assembly language, instruction execution, addressing techniques, and digital representation of data. Computer system organization, logic design, microprogramming, cache and memory systems, and input/output interfaces. Prerequisite: Computer Science 201. Instructors: Bletsch, Board, Lebeck, Sorin, or Wills. One course.
ECE 350L. Digital Systems. Design and implementation of combinational and sequential digital systems with special attention to digital computers. The use of computer-aided design tools, hardware description languages, and programmable logic chips to facilitate larger and higher performance designs will be stressed. Laboratory exercises and group design projects will reinforce the various design techniques discussed in class. Prerequisite: Electrical and Computer Engineering 250D. Instructor: Board, Hilton, Sorin, or Younes. One course. 041b061a72